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Web hosting is an agreement that you make with the provider of a web hosting service that you will make a monthly payment of lease to use and own a part of their web servers.

Web servers are basically computers housing your data. Your web content is visible to others because of a web server. It is like a storage unit having windows that others can drive by and peep through.

To run a website, you should have a hosting account. This is because no website is accessible on the World Wide Web without a server. The cost of a web server is in thousands, so we can just lease one from the provider. This service enables you to have a web presence with a little investment.

Being a webmaster, you have to choose a web hosting plan that suits you the best. The main factors of comparison are shared hosting, dedicated and VPS (Virtual Private Server).

If you are new to this field and you do not own many websites, then a shared hosting plan may fit your needs. For more free features of a hosting account, you can prefer a stronger hosting plan.

You can compare dedicated hosting plans, if you are more interested in succeeding online. For the best hosting service, Hosting Clown is the right option.

There is a lot of competition among the web hosting providers. There are more than twenty-five thousand providers to offer you their web hosting.

Many web hosting providers will offer you a low cost. Some may describe more features with a high pricing.

Comparing prices can be quite tricky when it comes to the web hosting industry because the comparison is based on the features of all the plans. It is also confusing for some people how to differ between the payment structures and the pricing factors, for example initial costs and fees.

This confusion has arisen due to different ways of advertising by several web hosting providers.

Sometimes, the buyer may feel dissatisfied after getting a hosting plan when he finds that the monthly payment is more expensive than his expectations.

There are several hosting companies that adopt misleading marketing strategies in order to attract the customers. The prices are not low in actual but they seem so.

The buyer should keenly check all the aspects of hosting prices when he is going to compare various plans. It is better to consider the amount of proposed features with that of all.

Carefully understand the price structure and then go for your selected hosting plan. For the correct and most beneficial comparison, go through the plans offering equal value.

Payment structure is the first and foremost factor to be considered while making comparison of two hosting plans offering the same prices. Some plans may have a requirement to make advance payment for a year whereas some offer monthly payments. It might be the main difference in the initial cost. Plan A offers a cost of 7 USD a month, however it may be advance payment for a year. So the initial cost may become 84 USD (add applicable fees as well).

Alternatively, Plan B offers a cost of 15 USD a month but it does not require yearly payments. So, the latter may cost you two times as much a month, but you may be willing to start with a fraction of the price with no annual contract obligation.

It is worth-noticing that the monthly cost will be as low as you make more payment in advance. Means, you can get Plan A for 3 USD per month in place of 7 USD per month if you make advance payment for 3 years. The choice of plan merely depends on your budget and priority.

If you have a tight budget and you do not want to spend so much for now, then you may avoid a plan with annual payments. However, if your pocket allows you to spend more and make savings in the long run, then you may prefer a plan with less monthly payouts under an yearly contract.

You have to be extra careful while dealing in the web hosting industry. Pricing may not be same as it looks like, especially if you are new to this field. So, you have to ensure before proceeding what is the actual cost of your selected plan.

Hidden charges mean that there may arise unexpected fees after buying a hosting plan. First of all,there are setup charges. Several hosting plans offer a setup fee of fifty USD or more. This is for the first time purchase. The hosting company may give you discount on the setup fee. You have to keep in mind that you will get money later and payment is to make while buying a hosting plan.

Text, there are excessive usage charges. It is particularly true for web hosting plans that include unlimited features in their offer. However, all plans have limitations. Sometimes, you may be charged for the over usage of the server resources. Similarly, you may have to upgrade or make a payment, in case, you exceed the limitations.

Another hidden charges incur when transferring a domain. Do not overlook this fees. If you are going to transfer an already owned website to a new hosting account, check whether there are any charges for this or not.

Hosting Clown deduct no hidden charges.

The Shared Hosting plan is the least costly type of web hosting. The starting price may be 10 USD a month or less than. Sometimes, you can even get a shared hosting for 3 USD a month.

Unlimited features of a shared hosting include unlimited bandwidth and disk space and sometimes hosting if unlimited domains. Yearly plans are normally cheaper as compared to monthly hosting plans. For an immediate start, you can buy a cheap hosting account or VPS allowing you to pay on a monthly basis.

A shared hosting account has several benefits but a few demerits as well. However, you will always find it the cheapest option in every case. The hosting clown offers enough plans of shared hosting.

One more thing to consider is that all the unlimited features are not actually unlimited. Like other industries, you get for which you make payments. Why are web servers important?” The Shared Hosting plan is the least costly type of web hosting. The starting price may be 10 USD a month or less than. Sometimes, you can even get a shared hosting for 3 USD a month.

Unlimited features of a shared hosting include unlimited bandwidth and disk space and sometimes hosting if unlimited domains. Yearly plans are normally cheaper as compared to monthly hosting plans. For an immediate start, you can buy a cheap hosting account or VPS allowing you to pay on a monthly basis.

A shared hosting account has several benefits but a few demerits as well. However, you will always find it the cheapest option in every case. The hosting clown offers enough plans of shared hosting.

One more thing to consider is that all the unlimited features are not actually unlimited. Like other industries, you get for which you make payments.

Server Uptime means the time taken by a web server to be online and completely functioning. Suppose, a web server is offline or it crashes, its hosted websites will become useless until the issue is sorted. Hence, server uptime acts as an indicator of how consistent and reliable a web hosting company is.

Many web hosting companies show a seal on the website for ensuring ninety-nine percent uptime. Though it looks appealing, the fact is that many hosting providers don’t live up to such commitment. If you face downtime frequently, you will definitely wish to change the hosting provider. You have potential loss whenever the website crashes. It is particularly true for an online ecommerce store.

Several web hosting companies own a private data center for the data storage of all web servers. So, the purpose of data centers is to fulfil the requirements of a web server. The onsite staff is responsible to uphold the humidity, lighting, temperature, dust content, security and cleanliness of a data center in a proper condition meticulously. There are air coolers on the floors. There is a perfect system of fire extinguishing. Besides, the maintenance staff is all the time available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week.

Shared hosting is the most widely used web hosting type of service and the main reason is their affordable cost. It allows you to access a portion of a server that many other websites are also using. So, they all share a web server. Its partitions are split to allocate to multiple customers of web hosting.

You are sharing a part of the server, so you can access a limited number of server resources. However, it depends on your plan. If you want to extend the limitations, the server will pull more resources from other network partitions so that you can fulfil your needs.

It may affect the page load timing and performance, but you can avail yourself of the unlimited features, such as disk space and bandwidth.

Shared hosting is a distinguished type of web hosting in the sense that its cost is the least of all other types. Most of the web masters prefer a shared hosted website. This hosting configures a single server powering so many websites that various web masters own. That’s why, it is called “shared” hosting.

The configuration of a web server impacts a lot on the performance of a website, specifically in the start when the website is growing and getting high traffic gradually. Though this type of web hosting service is considered less comprehensive, a basic plan with the internet training is enough.

Many of the professionals recommend using shared hosting to learn easily at affordable rates. After experience, you can switch to advanced options. If you are going to be a webmaster, then shared hosting can be an appropriate hosting type as your 1st hosting plan.

Shared servers have multiple partitions assigned to every account to share hosting, so they are unique. By the server partition, we mean the portion of a web server absolutely separate from its remaining part.

Although the partitions are absolutely separate, the entire web server follows the same software configuration. When a partition overloads, the web server distributes its resources evenly. In case, a website is overloading the resources of the network and crossing the limitations, another partition may provide additional server resources in order to assist the website in operating finely.

If a website is continuously overstepping the limitations of its partition provided by the shared web server, the web hosting company will most probably send an email to the website owner as a warning. The extreme usage may lead to the suspension of a hosting service or the upgrade.

Most of the shared hosting plans provide unlimited features, but the actual limitations cannot be ignored, especially in case of a constant over usage of the limitations.

The biggest advantage of shared hosting is that it’s cost is low because it is shared by many hosts. Even a few plans are 3 USD a month, definitely quite affordable. Every host can benefit from the server resources.

A shared server can host hundreds of websites at the same time. So, it is profitable for the hosting providers as well as the account holder. If your budget is tight, then it is better for you to avail yourself of the shared hosting.

Other than low cost, there are many unlimited features, including disk space and bandwidth that a hosting plan can offer. Such features are available because the hosting company can enhance or change the partition size as per web master’s needs. The shared server equally distributes the load so that the websites may give an optimal performance. If you use the plan more than the provided limit, you will get a warning instead of a bill. Mostly, the hosting provider will assist you in upgrading your web hosting plan to the new one.

Most of the hosting plans offer unlimited domains. It is also known as multiple domain web hosting. If you have multiple sites and you want to use a single interface for operating them all, then shared hosting is the best choice.

Besides, if you are not sure what you need being a webmaster, then the shared hosting plan is preferable. The reason is again that its plans are affordable with minimum risk and can be expanded when required.

On one side, shared hosting has many advantages but on the other side, its demerits are more than other hosting types. Unlimited resources are claimed to be provided but indeed, all the webmasters cannot avail themselves of it. Simultaneous sharing of a server by too many websites makes the speed slow. As a solution, the hosting companies have to make some restrictions for the server to function optimally. So, most of the webmasters are not able to create their websites comprehensively.

It’s not that every other site crashes unexpectedly due to server restrictions. Such cases are rare. With shared web hosting, website downtime happens on a regular basis because of the maintenance of the web server.

For a smooth operation of multiple websites at a time on the same server, the web hosting provider has to focus on the administrative affairs so that the web server keeps performing smoothly.

When this process starts, the web server is reset and the websites are offline for almost fifteen to sixty minutes. It occurs at midnight after 2 weeks. However, it may be annoying for the website owners who have high volume of traffic most of the time.

For a comprehensive plan of web hosting, you can move to some other type of hosting. Shared hosting is, in fact, a good choice for beginners who require low cost hosting. For those who are going to run an online business site without any prior experience, shared hosting can prove to be the best plan. However, for succeeding in the long run, you can go through other types of web hosting.

Generally, shared hosting is great for new site owners who are just beginning with the web hosting. But those who plan to operate multiple sites or a quite busy site, should choose some other optimal plan, for example, dedicated hosting or VPS.

Reseller web hosting means that you buy hosting in bulk and get a great discount. The, you have an option to resell hosting services for making profit.

A reseller web hosting is mainly to get the benefit of resources and tools for your business from the start. You get complete access to unlimited resources of the web server that you can assign to others and have a complete control on the web server configuration and the plans’ structure.

In your web hosting account, there are reseller tools which allow you to make custom web hosting packages. You can introduce your own hosting company, your brand with a logo and provide a custom cpanel to your client.

It is up to you whether you change the name of the hosting plan and customize the resources according to the type of plan.

For making great profits from your web hosting company, you can opt out the reseller web hosting. At any time later, you can sell your web hosting company and thus gain from it. It is a lucrative business nowadays.

Earning from the reseller web hosting is easy and simple. Buy the hosting plan and get access to the unlimited resources of the web server and start making your custom hosting plans. You can set a competitive price with a significant mark-up.

Suppose, you have a bandwidth of 1200gb and a disk space of 120gb, you can use the disk space of 20gb for your hosting requirements and can make ten hosting accounts with the bandwidth of 100gb and the disk space of 10gb each. If your monthly payment of this hosting plan is 50 USD and you are selling each of the plan for ten US dollars a month, you will get 50 USD profit every month and still you can use free disk space of 20gb. This is why reseller web hosting has gained much popularity nowadays.

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It is the most common web hosting type. The reason is that it is affordable as well as fully functional. It relates to the configuration of a web server.

By a web server, we mean a powerful computer to provide web pages a space on the internet so that the visitors may be able to access it online. As a user visits a website, he is actually going to download the web content from the server directly. A VPS is just a portion of a web server devoted mainly to a website. It can be any type of web hosting, e.g. shared hosting which is quite budgeted hosting and dedicated hosting which is the most powerful hosting type.

It sometimes becomes confusing for people to differentiate between VPS and shared hosting. Because both divide a web server into portions so that they can be used for different web hosting plans. But the major difference is that VPS web hosting places no limitations on the software types used on the partition of the server.

Small as well as medium scale businesses that require a fully functional dedicated web server without any extra cost or maintenance responsibility of the web server can use VPS web hosting. If you have a shared web hosting and a decrease in your website downtime and performance is noticeable, then you should upgrade your web hosting plan to the VPS one.

VPS web hosting is best for those who want full control on the configuration of their web server and cpanel. A shared host is bound to use the server configuration assigned by the hosting provider. On the contrary, VPS owns a private server with no extra setup cost as well as maintenance cost.

VPS is, no doubt, best for sites that need to expand and thus require more power than offered to a shared host. Generally, webmasters take a start from the shared hosting because of its low cost and ease, but when, after sometime, the websites start getting traffic daily and ultimately, there is a lot of server load for a single account of shared hosting, they prefer to switch to VPS hosting plan.

VPS hosting plan has more flexibility and its offers are versatile.

There are a few hosting providers that offer ten VPS web hosting plans starting from 10 USD to 300 USD maximum. This is the reason all scale websites get VPS hosting and meet their hosting requirements.

Most of the VPS web hosting companies provide scalable plans. As it is an assigned portion of a server, so the partition size is adjustable, if the need arises. A single hosting company may offer multiple VPS plans, such as big companies provide 9 several VPS hosting levels.

It is obvious that the choice of such versatile hosting plans may change the price. Many hosting providers cost plans at a range of 20 USD to 200 USD a month.

VPS offers are broad enough. When someone selects a VPS hosting plan, he does not focus on the cost factor primarily. He, being a webmaster, is rather concerned with the hosting requirements.

Generally, VPS web hosting plan is not used in the environment of cloud hosting. The functions and limits of conventional and cloud VPS web hosting differ a lot. There are more limitations applied by the hosting company on the conventional VPS plan so that it can guarantee the quality functioning of the web server.

The strict limitations are luckily not levied on the cloud hosting. In this web hosting plan, there is a network connection in different web servers at the same time. The cost of these plans is according to usage. It means that you can use unlimited resources of the web server and if you cross the set limitations of your hosting plan, you have to pay charges for the extra resources used by your site.

If you do not know about the traffic level achieved by your website or you feel high surges of traffic, then VPS cloud web hosting is an optimal choice for you.

There is a huge difference in regular and cloud VPS web hosting. The cloud VPS uses a network of multiple servers working in unison in order to offer the resources of the web server to many more sites at the same time.

It looks same as VPS web hosting but it differs a lot. The reason is that it does not limit the resources assigned to a specific site, any time. The most popular and the most powerful sites use cloud web hosting for the data transfer, for example, Google, Bing, yahoo, Amazon and many big corporate websites. The VPS cloud web hosting is considered as the fastest hosting plan for a website.

A dedicated web server, as the name signifies, dedicates its hosting to an individual or a company. VPS and shared web hosting plans are opposite to dedicated hosting, because a dedicated server solely serves the allocated websites, not other platforms.

The web hosting providers envy dedicated servers since the small and medium scale businesses consider it the most powerful server. Most of the web owners buy the least costly hosting plan instead of looking for a plan that suits their hosting needs the best.

Later, it will definitely lead to unnecessary upgrades, sometimes, inappropriate for both parties, i.e. webmaster and visitors.

Dedicated hosting is, no doubt, the most powerful type of available web hosting. The cloud web hosting is said to be a corporate solution.

Dedicated accounts can host too many websites at a time without requiring extra services or features. For a big online platform, a dedicated web server is the best. The dedicated server wipes out your issue of page load speed, unnecessary restrictions and downtime of the website created by the environment of a shared web hosting.

If you are the owner of multiple websites or a large scale business, then, you may need to upgrade your hosting plan to the dedicated one ultimately. It particularly applies for those who are facing website downtime or functioning problems with the president web hosting package.

If it is the first time, you are buying a web hosting plan, then, of course, no one will recommend you a dedicated web hosting plan. You will rather take a start with the VPS or shared web hosting. This is because these plans are appropriate for small as well as medium scale business setups.

Dedicated server is associated with a particular web hosting client. Therefore, it is more powerful than the divided servers. When someone buys a dedicated web hosting package, it means, he is going to lease his web server remotely.

The webmaster has an access and control to all the resources of a dedicated web server, for example, he can configure the server, allocate resources and also tune the performance of the web server. He is the owner of the web server and just rents his hosting plan.

Normally, professional webmasters use this plan who require the most optimal plan and the most powerful server for hosting. It is like all in one hosting plan.

Power, complete control and privacy.

These are the key benefits. Moreover, many of the dedicated web hosting package plans offer several IP addresses. You can place multiple websites on these IP addresses instead of sharing them with many other sites. This is an incredible advantage.

You can freely configure and control the software of the dedicated web server whereas in the shared hosting, you cannot change configuration.

When you get a dedicated hosting plan, you are able to push your website to limitations adding too many content pages and get unlimited traffic, quick page loading without any downtime of the website.

If you would have to buy a dedicated server, you would pay a very high cost and finding a storage space for it would cost more, known as collocation service charges. Luckily, it is possible to lease a dedicated web server by purchasing its hosting plan.

Initial cost of a dedicated web hosting plan is around one hundred US dollars a month. It increases later on. For a complete managed server, a dedicated web hosting package can cost you about 300 to 400 USD per month.

First, you have to realize whether a dedicated web hosting plan is your need or not. It is surprising to know that there are a lot of people who buy a dedicated hosting plan but fifty percent of the server resources remain unused. Rather than paying too much money for a dedicated web hosting plan, you can buy a less powerful hosting best suited to your business needs. It will save your money.

Unmanaged hosting plans have deliberately low cost. The reason is that the hosting provider is not spending on server maintenance and the feature of technical support. Unmanaged web hosting plans are generally available for 100 to 120 USD. The increase or decrease in cost definitely depends on the efficiency of the leased dedicated web server.

There are 2 types of dedicated server hosting plans which are quite different with respect to convenience of usage. So, let us find out, a managed dedicated plan is better or unmanaged? Well, it merely depends on your hosting requirements and personal experience.

Without server management skills, you, of course, require a completely managed dedicated web hosting plan. They are more expensive as compared to the unmanaged one because of the server administration and onsite technical support. However, you feel at ease when you have a managed dedicated account. The hosting company is responsible for handling all the complicated problems.

If your budget is good and you have server management skills, you can get unmanaged dedicated hosting. It is cheaper because of no additional technical support

In the unmanaged dedicated web hosting, you yourself are responsible for all the administrative affairs. It includes the maintenance of all the resources of the web server and a smooth performance of everything in the hosting account.

If you run short of budget and cannot afford a completely managed dedicated hosting, but still you require unlimited resources, then it is optimal for you to go through the benefits of the VPS web hosting plan. For better comparison, you can visit hosting clown.

Another option for the ones who require comprehensive servers within the budget is cloud web hosting. This plan will not require frequent server maintenance problems.

A domain name is a unique name like a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). Two or more domains cannot be identical.

In simple words, an internet identity card is called the domain name. It shows a website’s face. It’s just a website’s name. For others, it is a process of converting a local web address into one or more words. We can reach a website throughout the world using a domain name. How it is done is that we enter a few words in the browser and directly access that particular site.

A domain name comes into existence as your site’s IP address (A number with the syntax of xx.xx.xxx.xx as letters and 77.77.777.77 in the form of numbers). A domain name is highly significant for a website. This is because the users memorize it and re-enter it when they want to visit your website again.

The best domain is easy to remember, short and does not include any numbers or dashes.

You will be able to by a .com domain name by domain registrar like Hosting Clown.

Not exactly, you can by another domain name as well.

Such as — if you’re a non-profit community, association, church or other non-commercial agency, you can register .org domain name also.

The use of the .io extension has become common across tech-focused businesses and open-source ventures in recent years.

Every nation has its own web addresses TLD for non-US organizations, including .uk and .ru. They are also famous for domain hacks — making use of the domain extension being part of your website or registered trademark.

Obviously, there are also the latest “exotic” domain names, like .xyz, .website and .online. There are varieties of these, and they may exactly match with your product.

Frankly speaking, you want to be careful of second-tier gTLDs like .biz and .info. They are not popular and appear to be critical of experienced users worldwide.

Even with all the alternatives, .com continues to stay the world standard for domain names. It brings a high level of confidence with customers and expresses a degree of credibility with other domain name extensions that is difficult to accomplish. Despite this .com domains, the website aftermarket tends to have the best selling cost.

When you need to purchase a domain name that nobody else has purchased before, this is really simple — just use any legitimate registrar of domain names.

If you’re trying to buy a domain name that is already purchased, you can do that too. It will, however, be a little more complicated than buying a new domain. For info, check out our detailed adjustable domain buying guidance.

Into the market of domain trading, there is a lot of information to remember. See the section on providing domain names in our Complete Domain Name procedure, to get a clear idea about the business.

You will require a domain name if you want to create a website.

Some individuals use a domain name that belongs to a third-party provider like WordPress.com or Tumblr to create free blogging or other business websites. For personal blogging website, that’s fine — however, if you want to create a presence online, you must have your personal domain name.

Having your own domain name, it’s not difficult, what you have to do is purchase one from a reliable registrar like Hosting Clown.

See our Complete Domain Name Guideline since you are facing difficulties discovering a domain name you need, or would like to know something about what constitutes a better domain name before you buy one.

Some of the most daunting challenges when creating a new internet presence are trying to find out the right domain name for your new business website. You don’t really need to change domain names — it’s terrible for brands and worse for Optimization of your website— and everything you decide will have to perform well for years.

When you are an agency with a mostly offline presence, typically the safest approach is to choose a domain name that is a variation of your actual-world name that is easy to type. That may be your official business name. Otherwise, the topic would be shortened more commonly.

Including the name of your state or country in the domain name could be beneficial as you cover a specific geographical region. It is particularly effective when your name is a bit popular. For e.g., several churches are called “St. John’s “and other private colleges called” Excelsior Academy. “Because both schools and churches represent local communities, or if you’re planning for hosting business, your domain name can be included “domain” word so it will be easy to remember. It is a great way to differentiate them with domain names such as stjohnsfortworth.org or www.Hostingclown.com.

Purchasing domains for later selling is a multi-million dollar market classified as “domain name gambling.”

Mainstream media has concentrated on the extremely rare high-quality domain names that demanded large amounts of money:

toys.com — $5.1 million
news.com — $9.9 million
netflix.com — $13 million

The large majority of domain name deals — and honestly, the beating heart of the domain trading industry — are in the less thrilling, high-volume globe with affordable rates domain names that sell for a several US $100 or the US $1000.

Read the section on domain name trading in our Overall Domain Name Guidance for more details about how to become a part of this industry.

The ending extensions of domains are known as TLDs (Top Level Domains). These are letters at the end of domains after the final dot, such as .com. Nowadays, there are so many TLDs being used, even particular TLDs that indicate the geographical location of a site. Price of a domain can vary depending upon the selected TLD.

The most widely used domain names end on dot com TLD. Other popular TLDs in use are .net, .co.uk, .org, .net, .info, etc.

Subdomains mean a site’s extensions. These are used to divide the web content into different categories and separate it. Their address is written before the primary domain, such as subdomain.sample.com. Extending a domain name (subdomain) has no additional cost. Most of the web hosting companies offer to add unlimited subdomains.

When we add a subdomain, we are making a separate site inside our website that we can use as its independent directory. We should create a new account of FTP for the subdomain while uploading the web content to the subdomain through FTP. It assists in accessing the files and directories of the website quickly.

The websites that the site owner is not using at the moment are said to be the parked domains. They mostly have relevant ads on them according to the domain subject, e.g. suppose you have a domain “webhostlab.com”, then you have an option to park it with ads on its web page relevant to the subject or niche.

A domain can be parked in 2 ways, i.e. the owner of the domain parks it with the help of domain registrar or it is parked by default. The domain registrar automatically parks it when you, first time, buy it. As an example, suppose you are going to buy a domain name from Hosting Clown, it will park it automatically unless you add the content to the website.

A computer or a website is identified with a unique address called an IP address. Any device with an internet connection is assigned this address automatically. IP is an abbreviation of Internet Protocol. It is a practice by which data transmission takes place on the internet.

When a device (computer or server) has a network connection, it is assigned an IP address. This address separates that device from all others connected to the network. A string of numbers written with the dot separator in a specific format is actually an IP address, e.g. If you are using the internet at this time, your device has been allocated an IP address.

IP address has a vital role in internet communications. It sends a command to the point where a device requests for data to be sent, e.g. a visitor opens your website and taps on a Call to Action button, information transfers from the IP address of his device to your server. To send the accurate information, your server requires the IP address of the device you are using.

DNS is “Domain Name System” which means a system to assign the domain names and the direction of web traffic on the basis of links in a browser’s address bar. It is the world’s biggest database that consists of data about every site on the web. The number of unique domains presently active on the internet is above three hundred and fifty million.

An IP address of a web server or its partition is for the identification of a website. It is a digital format that is definitely hard to remember as compared to a short phrase. So, a DNS converts it into an easy to remember phrase, i.e. a domain name.

A domain name server is actually a server that is solely responsible for the transmission and receipt of a request related to IP address and domains. It takes a digit, such as an IP address and converts it into a phrase which is readable and you can easily type in the address bar of a browser.

A computer’s ability to read an IP address is quite different from a human’s. A computer language is numeric, not alphabetical. So, a DNS sends information from the name server to a computer related to the meaning of domain and IP address. The DNS is the world’s biggest database that receives requests the most of all other databases.

Registering a domain name is the first and foremost thing to do, if you want to create your own website. Choose a registrar and create an account on their platform

After registration, you have to select a domain name. Check whether your desired name is available or not. You will get login details from the registrar. Then, you can access the control panel, edit the servers and the rest of domain properties.

The name servers dictate which server or site your domain shows.

You will find the nameservers names in your hosting account. You have to access its cPanel by entering the login details. There will be information of nameservers. You can simply call the hosting provider and get details about it.

The registrars of domains are basically those companies which can access domains registry for you. When someone purchases a domain, he gets it from its registrar. Hosting Clown provides you a domain name of your own choice at a very reasonable cost.

Every website/server needs space to store its content and files. This storage space is called disk space. You must have enough disk space to fulfil your storage requirements. It has a direct impact on the size limits of a website. If you have to update your site frequently and add new content to your online platform, you must have abundant bandwidth.

Suppose, the hosting plan you got has an allocation of 20gb disk space, then it means that your web files cannot be more than the allowed space. If you exceed this limit, you are out of the provided disk space. So, you cannot add new content to the website. It will definitely be a hurdle in the progress of your website.

On the other hand, you cannot leave your website as it is. Because traffic levels highly depend on an updated site. The availability of enough bandwidth can ensure that the visitors will be able to return to your website.

All the web hosting plans mention the provided disk space on the sales pages. You have to choose a plan that allows you to store website data on the server any time you need.

To estimate the exact amount of disk space, you should first know about the required file size. If you don’t want to read about the types of files and the disk space each of them occupies on the server, then as a reference, you can just check the hard drive of your computer.

As an example, simply download a page of a website, then notice what is its file size? Multiply it to the number of pages, your website needs. You will come to know about a rough estimate of the required disk space. Do not forget to keep in mind multimedia files, i.e. videos, clips, a complete movie, etc. Video size depends on its duration.

It goes in your favour if you estimate the amount of required disk space before finalizing a hosting plan. Ask yourself how big is the website or online store you want. You also have an option to upgrade your web hosting plan later. But it is better to let everything be smooth and simple in the very beginning. If you get enough disk space, then you will not be bothered about the unnecessary upgrade.

Limitations of disk space have great significance. They have a direct effect on how much web content a site is allocated to host. If your website is large enough containing thousands of multimedia and text files, you are definitely using too much disk space. Ultimately, you will run out of it and cannot update your website. It will decrease the performance of your website.

Now, upgrading your web hosting plan is the last resort. But this all caused wastage of time and the number of dissatisfied visitors increased. So, you should select the hosting package wisely that can accommodate the disk space requirements of your website.

When a server runs short of disk space, all hosted websites on it affect a lot. You cannot add new web content unless more disk space is allocated. You either have to remove old content of your website in order to accommodate the new one (just like maintaining the old storage in a shed) or the whole web content is to be upgraded (like purchasing a new shed for storage).

It is worth mentioning that you cannot add anything to a website if the disk space is full, even the user comments. Luckily, many hosting providers start sending warning emails as the disk space reaches its limits.

Skilled webmasters know the significance of appropriate disk space. Therefore, a professional site has many GBs to store its data. It is obviously hard to make a comparison of all the web hosting packages merely on the basis of disk space feature. You should rather keep many other features under your consideration as well, such as bandwidth. A full-fledged plan is the one that offers disk space of hundred to three hundred and fifty gb so that you can upload many long videos and millions of pages on your website.

If you regularly keep updating your website, disk space may quickly be full. So, the optimal solution to this problem is to see which hosting plan skilled webmasters buy in order to stay away from the annoying message of no more space is left.

If you are going to run multiple websites, you should remember that all of your sites will share the same server resources. A VPS hosting plan that contains a disk space of two hundred to two hundred and fifty gb is adequately powerful to host too many pages, videos and audios.

Major difference in all the web hosting plans is with respect to the allocated bandwidth and disk space. To analyze the efficiency of a website, these 2 factors are highly important. For the best selection of a web hosting package, focus on these features.

The consequences of disk space restrictions vary from plan to plan, e.g. VPS web hosting allows extra disk space. Shared hosting assigns unlimited bandwidth at low cost as well. A shared server distributes its resources in multiple websites so that every website can get maximum benefit of joining servers network.

You might think that checking a disk space is enough to know how much disk space a hosting plan is offering. But, it is not the right estimate. A plan may include unlimited disk space but charge you a fraction of it and put disk space limitations. So, how do you know which one is the most optimal plan?

You will, of course, not make a comparison of an unlimited plan to the one with limited resources because the former one does not show the limits correctly. It is actually limited but you never know unless you reach the maximum limit.

Whatever ways you follow to compare plans, make sure that you do not buy unnecessary disk space.

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